Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Visiting the Heckscher Museum of Art (Project 2)

For this project I went to the Heckscher Museum of Art, which is in the heart of Huntington Village, Huntington, NY. (Long Island) I went in with an open mind, and to be honest I've always wanted to check the place out, so this assignment was the perfect opportunity to.

There were a few different pieces that stood out the most for me, and I find that there is a bit of a common theme with the images that I liked. I love the abstractness of colors and lines, especially when the inspiration comes from the movement of water. I love lighting and how it plays with moods, and creates shadows that in a way represents the darkness and lightness in ourselves and in the world. I also seem to be drawn to images that although are rather simple in concept, are represented from a unique point of view. 

To say which two images out of the six we had to select are the ones that made an impact or impression on me is (no offense) a dumb question since all of them made some impression or jumped out at me in particular, which is why they were chosen in the first place. But that being said, ( and I really didn't mean any disrespect so I am sorry for the criticism) the pieces by Barbara Bilotta titled Inspiration Beneath the Waves, and Bowl of Apples by Jennifer Drucker definitely made impressions on me. Both pieces are very different from each other, one is full of energy and life, while the other is more sullen and downplayed. 

The ones that I felt more connected with were Softly by Joanne Dumas, and Mary 1, by Victoria Selback. I was born and raised with a love and respect for the ocean, so I instantly am drawn to images that reflect this, which is why Softly spoke to me more so than the others. As for Mary 1, I am intrigued by the angle, because it feels as if we the viewer are looking at the room, and down at the woman's body as if we were her. It's hard to explain why it had such an impact exactly, but I love how the body structure conveys a bit of shyness even though she is naked. It represents the vulnerability in us, while also showing inner strength. 

The last two images that I chose were ones that I'd like to know a bit more about. Graffiti Wall by Raymond Germann, and REFLECTions: Close encounters with the Guggenheim by Keni Fine were those images. Both are digital photos, and represent a simple everyday life scenario, but are still very unique. What intrigued me most about Graffiti Wall, was the fact that the designs on the wall since the picture was taken has since been covered over and is lost beneath layers of industrial growth and change. I wanted to know where in Manhattan it was and what has since become of the area. The other image I thought was just super interesting because it not only is a reflection of the famous Guggenheim in a car, but the artist is also calling for people to Reflect on themselves. It makes me wonder what other things the artist has done, and what he has "reflected" on. 

Softly By Joanne Dumas, 2011, Archival Pigment Print

Inspiration Beneath the Waves By Barbara Bilotta, 2011, Acrylic with Resin on Canvas

REFLECTions: Close Encounters with the Guggenheim By Keni Fine, 2011, Digital Photography

Mary 1 By Victoria Selback, 2011, Acrylic on Canvas

Bowl of Apples By Jennifer Drucker, 2010, Encaustic on Photograph

Graffiti Wall By Raymond Germann, 2009, Digital Photography


  1. I was really glad to read and see images from an exhibition that wasn't at the Albright-Knox. I really enjoyed the first painting that you posted. I felt the connection with water as well, and really felt as though the piece evoked tranquillity and movement.

  2. Maggie,

    I really enjoyed viewing your pictures, especially the work of art by Joanne Dumas. This is my favorite style of art, abstract-like things. Also, I enjoyed all of the other works of art, we have similar taste, you, Devon(the other student I commented on), and I should get together and go for an artistic adventure into a museum! Lastly, I think that your pictures of the artwork express the style and content principles/elements as well, great job!

  3. I was really glad to have your blog to review, because I will probably never get to go to this particular museum. It does look like one that I would like from your choices in pieces of art. I share your attractions in art. I am drawn to abstractness in colors and lines, I definitely appreciate any inspiration that comes from water, lighting and the way that if effects moods and creates shadows is often intriguing, I like things simple, and I love unique perspectives. Inspiration Beneath the Waves has to be my favorite, followed by Softly, and then Mary 1. It is a very interesting angle. Both the Graffiti Wall and the REFLECTIONS piece were pieces that I could just spend hours looking at. It would be very nice to take a trip to this museum, if I ever find myself in that neck of the woods, but it was so nice seeing it through your eyes. Thank you!

  4. I'm glad I chose to look at your blog. You picked some really neat pieces of artwork to look at. My favorite piece was the Graffiti Wall and Mary 1. Mary 1 showed amazing light and emphasis. Graffiti Wall is a great example of scale. Great job!
