Thursday, June 21, 2012

Creating a Personal Logo

Creating a Logo for yourself is kind of daunting. You have complete freedom to design something in anyway that you want, but how can you sum up you as a person in just one simple figure(s)? To begin the process I thought about what it was that I liked about the world and myself and what gives me strength. This reminded me to start to think back to my tattoo ideas and concepts, and when I did that, I found that all of my questions and answers were already laid out for me. (and also permanently imprinted) This realization showed me that you know yourself better than you think you do, even if sometimes you don't believe it. 

The videos and assorted websites placed an importance on how Logos really are the "face" of a company, product, person etc, and that for many consumers or clients, it's the symbol that stands out in memory most. Logos also have to be simple, but still represent what the organization stands for, and be easy to apply to many formats, which keeps the image alive. I thought that the videos overall were interesting because it showed how the technique of graphic design is used in everyday business transactions and just how influential a Logo can be. 

Below are some of my sketches. Like I said earlier, they are my ideas for tattoos. I am intrigued by the constant struggle between the good and evil in the world and in ourselves. I always try to seek out the beauty in others first before giving complete judgement because you never know what experiences you'll miss out on if you don't. I find strength in the sea so I'm calmed and inspired by anything related to it, and nature for that matter. One of my most favorite things to draw for some reason has always been an eye. Eyes truly are unique to every individual, and the things that they have seen or will see is what makes a person who they are, or will become. I also love roses for most of the same reasons as everything else. It's finding the beauty hidden behind the thorns. They can represent life, death, and rebirth. Graceful and slightly menacing at the same time. I have many other ideas too that follow these themes, but that would be just too many images to load! 
My Logo is my tattoo: Perspective w/ a rose. This sums up everything short, sweet, simple, and beautiful. :) 

Anchor ideas

Preliminary tree

Let go of your rules, and break free

Keep an eye on the present day


The tree of the knowledge of good and evil

The drawing is almost identical to the real thing :)

Yes that's my actual ankle!

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