Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Peer Reviewing

I think that peer reviews are an unappreciated, yet very effective learning process. It helps an individual open their eyes to things that they might not have, and receive praise and recognition (which can be beneficial in and of itself),  but in a way that feels less threatening since it's done by those considered to be 'equals'. That being said, I think that the process of peer reviewing the art projects we had (although this one wasn't as difficult as editing a paper for English class haha), was a great assignment. It's always interesting to see what other ideas peers have come up with for the same project topics, while also trying to say constructive and positive things about it.

 I looked at Richard Cruz and Kelly Caruso's blogs 

1.) The first project we did was to capture the principles and elements of art in photos. Both I felt truly did an amazing job. The pictures were very unique and you could tell that there was a lot of consideration taken in selecting them. There were several that could double in several of the categories. Richard's pictures for color and unity definitely could have been interchangeable, as well as the pictures Kelly used for line and shape. I thought it was interesting that Kelly and I had a very similar picture of looking up at cylindrical buildings. Her's was for form, and mine had been for movement. 

2.) None of the images used in the second project (art gallery visit) were the same in either of the blogs or my own. Kelly went to a gallery in Rochester, while Richard went to the Albright-Knox in Buffalo. I'm from Long Island so I went to a gallery near me. I found that even though I didn't feel any sort of connection with the images that spoke to Richard, I could completely understand why he felt as he did because his reviews and explanations were so passionate. Some of the pieces Kelly chose I feel that I would have selected myself too which I thought was really cool. 

3.) To piggy-back on the comment about Kelly's picks, I definitely was interested in two of the images in particular. (the glass sculpture, and the Billboard Painting in Louisiana) The billboard painting sparks so many mixed emotions. It's a little foreboding, creepy even, but strangely beautiful. While the glass sculpture is just an amazement in and of itself. I think it's simple and powerful and unique. 

4.) My opening statement actually answers the question about what I thought of the process :)

5.) I was actually really excited to see I had comments. I want to know what people think of what I have to say and the work I've done. It's very encouraging.

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