Friday, June 15, 2012

Color Wheel and Value Gradient Project

At first when I read the assignment I thought that it was going to be a really tedious and time consuming process. I was pleasantly surprised that it was rather simple to create the color wheel and value scale. 

It's hard to say which of the medias I liked more. I really love painting and how the colors can literally be mushed together and still look beautiful. That, and it's fun to get all over haha. I also draw or doodle rather frequently, and there's an accuracy, simplicity, and shading effect that can never be reached fully except with a pencil or charcoal. So for function... I favor pencils, and for fun... I favor paint :)  

I thought that the video on value was sort of strange and long winded, and the color wheel video was the opposite. (short, and direct) I think the most interesting thing I learned was that the primary and secondary colors that we have been taught, since probably kindergarten, are wrong. It makes me feel kind of dumb for believing it be true for all these years. 

To carry on with that last statement, for the project I discovered that I had bought what I had thought were the right primary colors, but it turned out that I was wrong. (I'm sorry!) So my wheel is inaccurate. Also, it takes a bit of concentration to create a value gradient that is changing slightly enough to see all the stages from black to white. 

(sorry for the awkward spacing)

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