Monday, June 11, 2012

Elements & Principles of Art Project

I have always loved photography and so this project was definitely very appealing and fun for me. I usually like to take pictures of nature, close-ups, interesting shapes, and leading lines. You can probably tell right away when you look at the slideshow.  :)  It was difficult picking one picture for one element or principle since many of the photos could be used for several of the categories. I can't even say which one is my favorite since I love them all in their own way and for what they represent to me! But I thought that overall this was a good experience and also a good excuse to go out and take pictures.


  1. I thought your photographs were beautiful and well done! They all reflected their given element/principle extremely well and with clarity. I could see many different elements and principles within each photograph. Great job!

  2. Maggie,

    I thoroughly enjoyed viewing your slide-show. Your pictures were amazing and gave me inspiration for the next art project! Moreover, I think that you captured the concept of "texture" in the photo of the log and moss. It literally made me want to reach out and feel the picture, also, the thoughts about what it must feel like emereged. Good Job!

  3. I can really relate to all of your images. I agree with every one of them and I even see multiples, like you said, especially with the images that you chose for variety, unity, and line. Your image for variety could have gone well with value and line, and your image for unity was also good for rhythm. I love that everything that you do is inspired by water and the things that go with it. I understand why you had such a hard time picking which picture to use with which element or principle. I loved all of your pictures and I am sure that you had many more that we did not see. You are a great photographer. My favorite image was movement. It was as if the buildings were moving with the flag from that angle. Very cool!

  4. I enjoyed looking at every image! I thought you picked perfect images to go with each element/principle. GREAT job on the slide show. I looked at it a few times!
