Friday, June 1, 2012

Getting the Hang of Things

I had some difficulty getting the blog set up, and I'm still trying to figure out how to do things on it, but as the course continues I'm sure I'll eventually learn what I need to about the program. I know that I need to get a bit more organized because I feel that I'm already behind before we really begun, but that's also because I have time make time for my other class which is a chemistry course and for my job. This being the first week it's supposed to be a little weird, and I'm confident that everything will fall into place. 

I won't lie I'm a big skeptic when it comes to certain things about what is considered to be "art" or not, but I love photography and I like to paint and draw but they're not of really anything in particular just sort of doodles. I'm hoping to gain a renewed appreciation and understanding of the art world through this class.

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