Monday, July 2, 2012

Architecture Video Reviews

1.) Prairie Style Video:
       Key Points: Frank Lloyd Wright developed wide, open, horizontal floor plans for housing that emphasized the harmony between client, architecture, and the environment.
                        : Homes should be part of the landscape, and reflect the time, and place, and landscape of the area. 

Architecture: Science and Design Video:
       Key Points: Very tall skyscrapers can sway up to 3 meters in a strong wind. 
                         :  Smart houses, are still very expensive, but are becoming more attainable for the elderly, and sick. 
                         : Concrete is found in all forms of architecture. 
                         : Reinforced concrete allows for it to be made into almost any structure.  

Classical Architecture Video: 
       Key Points: Indigo Jones was the architect that brought the Classical Style to England. 
                         : It's not limited to just important government buildings, but residential buildings are also being designed with the classical style. (English Terrace)
                         : Post-Modern style combines classical with modern architecture. 

Sustainable Development and Architecture Video: 
      Key Points: It's important to think of ourselves as part of a bigger picture in order to not use resources absentmindedly.
                       : Buildings can be designed to work more efficiently with less energy consumption and waste production. 
                       : Integrated systems that use sunlight, gardens, fresh air, underfloor heating and cooling, and renewable resources are some of the ways sustainable living is achieved. 
                       : Most of the carbon emissions come from cities, so city life as we know it might not be a practical way to live for the future. Buildings need to adapt to have more than one purpose.

2.) The videos expand on the different sections of the text. This helps because then we can see and hear the information, and not just simply read it which might not make as lasting of an impression as watching a video does.

3.) I liked the prairie style video because it was something I hadn't heard of directly and was light-hearted and a bit more faster in pace. The Design video was very informative, though very apparent in it being old which makes me wonder if it's almost outdated. The architecture video was sort of a medium between the first two. It was informative but in a way that was more engaging to listen to and watch. The Sustainable video was really interesting and I thought that it talked about a lot of great aspects about 'green living', but the subtitles were very distracting because of all the foreign speakers on the video.

4.) I chose the Sustainable Architecture video because I am very interested in the preservation of the planet. I think that it is extremely important to take care of the Earth in order to ensure that future generations will get to have the same chances and opportunities (if not more) than we did. I took an Environmental Science class back in high school and loved it. We had done a section on sustainable living that I found really interesting, and I though that the video could teach more more about the subject.

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