Thursday, July 19, 2012

Oh Man... Video Reviews Again!

1.) I chose the videos on the Primavera and Night Watch because they were the first two names that jumped out at me, so I figured those would be what I would review.

2.) Videos: 
     La Primavera 
            Key Points: There are many interpretations of the famous painting by Botticelli
                              : All the figures in the painting are from classical mythology. 
                              : The painting pleases the mind and eye in aesthetic and intellectual ways. It's large size contributes to its grandeur. 
                              : It was commissioned as a wedding gift to a young couple who had an arranged "loveless" marriage. It was placed in their chamber room.
                              : Even though the painting is presided over by Venus, goddess of love, there is the representation of rape and sexual violence from the wind god to the goddess of flora.
       Night Watch
            Key Points: The painting has been slashed with a knife, had acid thrown on it, and drenched in water. It has become a sort of pilgrimage for the Dutch people. 
                             : It's over 11 feet high and 14 feet wide. 
                             : The militia guild, "musketeers" commissioned many portraits during this time, and were more ceremonial in purpose. Remembrant decided to paint them with more drama, and in a "revolutionary' feel. He wanted action not posing, and the front men appear to be walking right off the canvas.
3.)  The videos opened up the world of the Renaissance further than in just reading it in the text, but through the eyes of the painters. It's really beneficial to see the many sides of the topics.

4.) The films were both really interesting. They went into detail on two very different, and famous paintings, and I liked seeing the many perspectives and themes and ideas that were portrayed in each one.

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