Thursday, July 19, 2012

MORE Reviews...this time about African and Buddhist Art!!

1.) I chose the videos on African art and Buddhism because they seemed the most interesting to me from the list. I had already watched two videos about specific pieces of art so I wanted to watch something that was broader, but more focused on a certain region or concept.

2.) Videos: 
African Art
            Key Points: Art is still an important part of daily life in sub-Saharan African villages, especially in rituals and ceremonies.
                              : Masks and costumes are highly stylized and embellished for ceremonies. The oldest of African art is found in dry regions on the rock walls of caves. 
                              : Most African art is conceptual, and flows from the mind of the artist freely.

            Key Points: The key to Buddhist teachings is to learn to let go of all desires that feed the ego and obstruct enlightenment. 
                              : The monks would look to Buddha as a saint. The rest of the followers saw him as a savior. 
                              :  The ornate carvings of the teachings of Buddha slowly started to stop showing the Buddha himself, but having him shown as symbols of trees which makes him more of a spiritual being.

3.) The chapter discussed many different beliefs and cultures so it was nice to have a more focused look at a few of them by watching the videos.

4.) The videos were short which was nice for a change, but the sound quality was not quite as good as some of the other videos I've seen, and they progressed along rather slowly and it was difficult to hold complete interest in the videos despite them being short.

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