Thursday, July 26, 2012

Here's Another Review!

1.) I chose to watch "Uncertainty" because it was the first name on the list that jumped out at me so I went with my gut reaction in that particular selection. The second video I watched was the "Sculpture of Spaces". I don't have a particular reason as to why I chose this one, I just thought that the name was intriguing enough so I figured I'd give it a try.

2.) Videos:
Uncertainty: Modernity and art
         Key Points: Modern art keeps responding to modern life.
                           : Modern art is the break of traditional art of the past.
                           : Reality is the balance of many different view points, and challenging feelings of doubt of life, and who we are.
                           : Cubism says there' a different way to approach truth that isn't perfectly smooth and rounded. The world is "fractured".
                           : Abstract art asks questions and creates experiments, but is open-ended and doesn't solve any of the questions that it asks.
                           : Pop art represents a change in thinking from the 50's to the 60's. We can look at things ironically and not everything has to be moral. Art can in fact be random and still be meaningful.
                           : Art now mirrors what we are, at the level that we are already at. In the past it reflected aspirations, and images of idealized society and self.

Isamu Noguchi: Sculpture of Spaces
           Key Points: Noguchi creates sculpture gardens in order to humanize space and sculpture and time. 
                               :  He's committed to creating something useful for people with his art.  
                                : Nothing in nature is perfect, but it is perfect in its imperfections.

3.) The first video was really helpful with understanding the way modern art grew into what it is, and exploring some of the trends and concepts. The second one didn't really have much to do with anything in particular with the chapter discussions, but it did show modernity in sculpture of the one artist's creation.  

4.) "Uncertainty" was a very good video. The sound quality was well done, and the speaker was entertaining to listen to and kept my attention. I really liked the subject matter as well. The "Sculpture" video was very slow moving with many awkward pauses and transitions. It was more about the man's life than particular trends or sculptures.

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