Sunday, July 22, 2012


Inspiration pieces:
Description: Plain white mask with black spirals. 
Analysis: The size and placement of the spirals balance each other creating a harmonious and simple design.
 Description: Three similarly designed masks with different base colors and colored feathers on top. 
Analysis: The filigree is symmetrical on all the pieces creating balance while the feathers on top draw the eyes upward. The contrasts of color and sparkle make the masks 'pop' and are more interesting to look at. 

Description: White and silver mask with intricate filigree topped with a large plume of white feathers. 
Analysis: Most of the attention is drawn to the top of the mask due to the largeness of the feathers. This is balanced by the intricacy of the designs and also the wideness of the mask itself.  


There is balance with the colors of black and red and white. The spirals keep bringing the eye around the entire mask while the white feather makes the eyes jump to the upper left side. 

I wanted to keep the mask simple and still interesting. I love the use of reds and blacks together, but I didn't want it to take on a dark or creepy tone so I left the background white and added the white feather in order to keep it light. I wasn't sure if I would have enough space to paint the spirals to that's why I didn't cut the mask into any particular shape. I wanted to be sure I could decorate it how I wanted it to. Now that it's done, I would have cut it, and maybe added some sparkles around it as well but overall I like it.

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