Thursday, August 9, 2012

Writing a Critique

I reviewed several different exhibits...
              > Wild Women Exhibtion by Devon Mussachi
              > Near the Water's Edge by Thomas Poppenberg
              > Water All Around by Richard Cruz
              > The Ink of Love Bleeds Inspiration by Shannon Pierre 

The exhibit I chose to actually critique was Near the Water's Edge. I was really torn between all of these and I almost chose the first one, but I really connected with some of the pieces in the exhibit, and I'm impartial to anything that has to do with, or resembles water. 

I'll be honest, I really didn't have too much trouble writing the piece. I wanted to pick an exhibit that I didn't like or that I had issues with so that way there was more to write about, but I decided that I helping my peers instead of cutting them down was the better way to go about this assignment.  I think that reviewing each others work is really beneficial but the concern is that we won't be entirely truthful because there is fear of hurting someone's feelings. 

I would definitely be interested to see what others thought of my project. That's the beauty of an online class is that we are mostly anonymous and unknown to the rest of the class so we can write things about a project and not fear seeing that person the next day in class. 

I would say that I wrote a 7.5 article. I'm not one to say that I did a flawless piece, but I also know that I wasn't bad and I addressed all that needed to be. Overall, I really liked the project and having a chance to see what some of my classmates came up with. 

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