Friday, August 10, 2012


My inspiration pieces don't really resemble much that my final piece ended up as. The rose I took the colors from, and the relaxed vibe is what I took from the others, as well as the simplicity of the images. I sort of already had the image in my head before I went to the gallery so I had to find pieces that fit into my plan. So I suppose I worked backwards. 

Artist: Steve Hanks
                                                            Title: In Her Thoughts
                                                            Artist: Steve Hanks
 Title: To Search Within
Artist: Steve Hanks
                                                                       Artist: Reynolds

        I chose to use paint and colored pencil. I drew the outline of me and the roses with pencil first. Then I used acrylic paints to create an abstract background that resembles water. I chose to use these materials because I knew that I wanted to paint, but I can't do fine details well so I knew I'd have to draw. The challenge was in deciding if I wanted the entire thing to be abstract or not, and where I was going to put the roses. (which needed to be apart of the piece)

       There is symmetry in the colors with it being dark and bright on the opposite sides of the picture which forces you to look at everything. There are two spirals with are at diagonals from each other which also add to the balancing of the colors and the image as a whole. The figure, and the roses seem to be floating up out of the watery backdrop and they really stand out because they are made out of a completely different material.
I think that it's really difficult to find a way to represent yourself, all of yourself, in one way. I think that this does a fairly good job of it. The nods at water, and having the roses in image show some things that are very meaningful to me. My eyes are drawn rather big because those are one of my favorite features. I usually wear black shirts as well, which is why I drew myself in one. I think that I exude an air of confidence as well as calmness and friendliness in this image. Which is what I try to be as much as possible. Overall, I like my final product. I really enjoy painting so it was nice to finally just do what ever I wished with it.

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